Friday, May 18, 2012

Breathing the Sun

You've been working inside, staring at your computer for many hours. Perhaps you've had several days of gray weather. Then the sun comes out. Is this not grace? How will you celebrate this sacrament?

All of your energy comes from the sun. Your food is energized by photons of sunlight. Whatever you use for fuel, its warmth and fire originate in the sun. When you feel depleted, you can use the sun to re-energize: it is always there, whether behind a cloud or not.

Go outside. If you can't go out, open the window and stand in the sunlight. Close your eyes and agree to be here in your body.

Be aware of breath-in-body, each inhalation filling you from the soles of your feet to your eyeballs. Absorb the radiance dancing through your eyelids, solar energy bombarding your nerves with billions of photons. You can see this energy even with eyes closed.

Using your breath as a vehicle for the sunlight, conduct the solar energy through your forehead, down through your lungs, to your heart. Literally inhale sunlight into your solar plexus, where it is stored and distributed into every cell of your body.

Inhale today, exhale yesterday. Inhale the radiant energy that re-creates you now.

After twelve deep breaths of sunlight, spend a few moments sitting in silence. This allows the photons, conducted from breath to bloodstream, to permeate the cells of your body. You don't need to visualize or imagine this because it is actually happening in the quantum field of your energy-body. You will feel it without imagination.

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