Surrender the effort to like people. Simply refrain from doing, speaking, or wishing them harm. Then your love can blossom.
(This will take about three minutes when you first do it. When it becomes a regular practice, you can do it with two or three breaths.)
What if there is someone we really don't like, and we can't get toxic feelings about them out of our mind and body? In that case, practice this ancient breath meditation:
Become aware of your breath, moving into your chest. Visualize the person who rubs you the wrong way, and feel the contraction, the irritation around your heart. Welcome those sensations without resistance and breathe them into your chest. Accept the negative feelings as feelings, as energy, in your body, until they dissolve into the space of the heart.
Now visualize that same person as a little child, a toddler or a baby. Breathing in, see that person again, bathed in gentle golden light. See them smiling and happy. Breathing out, send peace and joy upon them, releasing all the breath from your chest, as if it is radiating light from your heart. This is called, "Loving your enemy." It is practiced for your sake, not for your enemy's sake. But who knows? This practice may send waves of silent blessing to them, wherever you are; and it will certainly transform the way you encounter them the next time you meet.
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